/* tslint:disable */ /** * This is an autogenerated file created by the Stencil compiler. * It contains typing information for all components that exist in this project. */ import { HTMLStencilElement, JSXBase } from './stencil.core'; export namespace Components { interface IonIcon { /** * Specifies the label to use for accessibility. Defaults to the icon name. */ 'ariaLabel'?: string; /** * The color to use for the background of the item. */ 'color'?: string; /** * Specifies whether the icon should horizontally flip when `dir` is `"rtl"`. */ 'flipRtl'?: boolean; /** * A combination of both `name` and `src`. If a `src` url is detected it will set the `src` property. Otherwise it assumes it's a built-in named SVG and set the `name` property. */ 'icon'?: string; /** * Specifies which icon to use on `ios` mode. */ 'ios'?: string; /** * If enabled, ion-icon will be loaded lazily when it's visible in the viewport. Default, `false`. */ 'lazy': boolean; /** * Specifies which icon to use on `md` mode. */ 'md'?: string; /** * The mode determines which platform styles to use. */ 'mode'?: "ios" | "md"; /** * Specifies which icon to use from the built-in set of icons. */ 'name'?: string; /** * The size of the icon. Available options are: `"small"` and `"large"`. */ 'size'?: string; /** * Specifies the exact `src` of an SVG file to use. */ 'src'?: string; } } declare global { interface HTMLIonIconElement extends Components.IonIcon, HTMLStencilElement {} var HTMLIonIconElement: { prototype: HTMLIonIconElement; new (): HTMLIonIconElement; }; interface HTMLElementTagNameMap { 'ion-icon': HTMLIonIconElement; } } declare namespace LocalJSX { interface IonIcon extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes { /** * Specifies the label to use for accessibility. Defaults to the icon name. */ 'ariaLabel'?: string; /** * The color to use for the background of the item. */ 'color'?: string; /** * Specifies whether the icon should horizontally flip when `dir` is `"rtl"`. */ 'flipRtl'?: boolean; /** * A combination of both `name` and `src`. If a `src` url is detected it will set the `src` property. Otherwise it assumes it's a built-in named SVG and set the `name` property. */ 'icon'?: string; /** * Specifies which icon to use on `ios` mode. */ 'ios'?: string; /** * If enabled, ion-icon will be loaded lazily when it's visible in the viewport. Default, `false`. */ 'lazy'?: boolean; /** * Specifies which icon to use on `md` mode. */ 'md'?: string; /** * The mode determines which platform styles to use. */ 'mode'?: "ios" | "md"; /** * Specifies which icon to use from the built-in set of icons. */ 'name'?: string; /** * The size of the icon. Available options are: `"small"` and `"large"`. */ 'size'?: string; /** * Specifies the exact `src` of an SVG file to use. */ 'src'?: string; } interface IntrinsicElements { 'ion-icon': IonIcon; } } export { LocalJSX as JSX }; declare module "@stencil/core" { export namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicElements extends LocalJSX.IntrinsicElements {} } }